User feedback
User feedback,Real evaluations of VPS merchants and server merchants by users.
Netizen said: rfchost Huajuan Technology didn't return the work order. Is the pattern so small?
2024/05/12/ | author: AvertPit | browse:141person-time -
Netizen said: hostsailor is frequently shut down, and it is still the same to reinstall the system.
2024/05/12/ | author: AvertPit | browse:135person-time -
The agreement with hosteons, hosteons restores vps, and I delete the video.
2024/05/12/ | author: AvertPit | browse:143person-time -
Netizen said: hostsolutions' vps was down for more than a month, and nobody took care of it.
2024/05/11/ | author: AvertPit | browse:153person-time -
The amusement prince responded: digital-vm's 10G bandwidth VPS is actually 200M M.
2024/05/11/ | author: AvertPit | browse:153person-time -
Tanyou stayed up all night and broke the news: PSKHosting sends me spam every day.
2024/05/11/ | author: AvertPit | browse:151person-time -
Netizen Ding Jiange responded: anynode's vps runs dozens of G traffic when it is not used.
2024/05/11/ | author: AvertPit | browse:147person-time -
Netizen zhongziso said: I bought the server of hostsolutions and only provided it for half a month.
2024/05/11/ | author: AvertPit | browse:151person-time -
Tanyou Haiyin responded: Du Niuyun's reputation as a merchant has been stinking.
2024/05/11/ | author: AvertPit | browse:157person-time -
Tanyou 3634048 reported: disclose an IDC in cheat people, namely Netan data and fbivps
2024/05/11/ | author: AvertPit | browse:146person-time
Netizen comments